Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Performer Spotlight: Jessica Lorenne

There is little I can say about Jessica that doesn't make it sound like I'm in a committed relationship with her, and I will try my hardest to keep my personal feelings out of this. :).  I adore her, I admire her, I am awed by her strength, I am impressed by the wisdom of her youth, I am excited for her future.  Jessica is a power to be reckoned with.  Jessica is dramatic and emotional, and it's these elements that are going to make her the best danged Villainess since Kathy Bates in Misery or Louise Fletcher in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  She will make you think 'WOW, she's evil!!"

Other reasons to come see Jessica in 'Argentine': she's beautiful, single and super hot, but that's just the icing on the cake.

1) Name, where you are from and what you study at BYUi?

Jessica Lorenne
From the logger/hippy mixter town of Estacada, Oregon
Studying Theatre Performance and music

2) What is one of your special/freakish talents?

Uh...I hate this question. My special/freakish talents are…the amount of food I can cram
into my tiny body..? My wide emotional range that can go from a 4 to a 7 in seconds. I
have over a three octave range.


3) What character do you play in Argentine and how do you feel about your character?
Do you find yourself relating to him/her?

I am Beatrice. I’m really excited to play the bad guy for once. The character/ingĂ©nue
princess is always fun, but it’s time to spread my wings!

When I first contemplated this question I didn’t think I had much in common with
Beatrice, but to be honest, I kinda do. For one, we both fight for what we want, and we
don’t let anyone tell us we can’t have it. We’re both attracted to power too. I just hope
I’m a better person than she is.

4) What attracted you to the project?

Trina’s hot. But besides that, I love to perform. I like the story, and the music. I’m
excited to be a part of any creative project. But I was also attracted to the project
because I feel that, even though I wasn’t involved in the creative process (cause that
was all Trina’s brilliance), I feel like I’ve been a part of this from the beginning. And I feel
that the message of Argentine is really important. To be a part of something this deep is
awesome. I’m also a sap for helping people, so I’m really into the idea of this production
helping women realize that they can be their own heroes.

5) What are you most excited about in regards to the Argentine production?

The performance itself. I’m excited to work with such an awesome group of people, and
to see what will come from the production itself.

6) What would you say to encourage people to come see Argentine?

I’d tell people that I’m in it (and I’m going to be crazy), and that a lot of talented people
are in it, and it’s going to be awesome! But besides that, I’d let people know that this is
going to be an awesome steam punk rock opera, and that the experience is one that
they’ll never forget.

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